Sunday 25 November 2012

Officially moved - goodbye blogspot!

I've decided to make my new blog official, even if it isn't done yet - this one was never done either though, so I might aswell start all over in a new place, like I decided a week ago.

So from now on you can all find me and my puppets @

Thanks to all the 12300 views I've had since I started the blog and for reading my blog here on blogspot, I hope you'll all follow me on weebly aswell!

Much love,

Monday 19 November 2012

Sneaky sneaky & zombies!

To the people, who are interested in seeing how my new page progresses:
Click here!

It's faaaar from even CLOSE to being finished, I've JUST started working on it last night. But I totally like the features, and it's a lot more simple than blogspot! Cheers to Maja for making me interested in weebly :-*

Tomorrow it's FINALLY Day of the Dead again, and I'm exciteeed! Don't expect me to reply to anything until I'm done hunting with Jayden sometime during the evening!

Have a nice evening and happy hunting!

Much love,

Sunday 18 November 2012

Moving the blog!

Hey lovelings,

Work's over. I'm at my mum's house atm, just need to move my ass over to the bus and go home. Lazineeeeessss.

Oh and I've started working on a new blog. It'll probably be up soon!

Miss you all, and I'll get to replying when I come home.

Much love,

Wednesday 14 November 2012

An apology.. Again..

Hey lovelings..

I'm a little absent-minded atm, but trying my best to reply whenever I can. I apologise (again) for anyone affected by my lazineeesssss :P

Much love,

Sunday 11 November 2012


It's funny when you realise you play with some pretty, fucking hilarious people :D Bless Brandon's PM lol!

Oh and I'm kinda back now, I guess! Got this course thingie I need to attend for a week, then work and theeen I don't know :P But I'm trying my best to catch up.

AND.. Jayden & Winter <3 Awww love 'em.

Love you guys!

Much of it,

Wednesday 7 November 2012


So our internet arrived today, plus it's up and running! Now I just hope I'll be less busy in the next few days, so I can get back on track :P

See ya soon, guys!

Much love,

Tuesday 6 November 2012


Added a few more links in that box over there *points to the left*

My friends told me about a few other popheads, who had made blogs aswell - thought I'd put them up, even if I don't really know them! Seems like we've really started a trend now, that's just beyond awesome :D

Internet coming on friday, woop woop! <3

Much love,

Monday 5 November 2012

Haha awesome!

Finally got that shit personal hotspot to work! Love how that happens after I've put out my "I'm not here"-statement. I'm gonna make sure I don't use it all up though, since I only have 2GB on it.. I think!

Anyway, BYE!

Movingness - Random blog post which is important!

Hello lovelings,

It breaks my heart to say that I'll be totally (almost) absent for a while. I've just moved into a new flat with my best friend, and we've yet to sort our internet out. Though I've been promised one of those dongle thingies, so I might be able to log on and answer some messages in a few days.

I will be logging on, you will probably see me online, but I'm playing from my phone - think we all know how difficult that can be at times :P So I only log in to keep my puppets from wandering, sort band stuff and fix their songwriting/skilling. I don't think I will be able to answer or start any scenes/messages for at least two weeks - maybe on the weekends, when I'm at work.

A special thanks to the PMs of: Alex, Lourdes, Brandon, Megan, River, Miles, Winter, Nikolay and Bianca <3 I hope you guys will stick around my characters despite my absence. Lots of love to you lot!!

If there is anything urgent, like my characters need to do something, don't hestitate to bug my fantastic girls: Megan Case, Vera Rose, Isabelle Ruddock or Emerie Parris - they all know how to reach me asap!

Much love :-*

Thursday 1 November 2012


A lot. A very much lot.

Moving in the weekend, we won't have internet yet, so accessing from phone. Sucks.


Saturday 27 October 2012


So I guess I could put my puppet's songwriting skills to good use. I'll have 2 more with 9+ stars in a bit!

If anyone is starting a new band/tour/whatever and need songs, let me know!
(Quickest way to reach me is through v1)

  • Lucas and Ruby both write hits and fantastic songs, even if they don't have perfect skills.
  • All of the characters have 8+ stars in composing something (most 9 or 10)
  • Lucas is the only one currently touring, who might not always be able to write songs.
  • Ashlyn will start touring in Y66.
  • Sara and Emma will never tour.

We can negotiate and work out a price for x amount of songs and stuff - When I had someone write songs for a character of mine, I paid 17M for 6 songs - no hits. I'm thinking I'll be a bit cheaper than that! I'll put up a pricelist once I've figured it out.

Much love and happy saturday,

Friday 26 October 2012


Off to work in a few hours. Will as usual be slow and barely responsive.

I do apologize to everyone for slacking lately, but I am kinda busy atm aswell.

Have a great weekend!

Much love,

Thursday 25 October 2012

Not around much..

Having a busy schedule atm, so I'm not around so much! Today I'll spending most of the day at a friend's house, since she bugged me for weeks about fixing her hair (I do hot fusion extensions). Takes foreveeeer :(

I'll be around tonight hopefully. Have a great day, people!

Much love,

Tuesday 23 October 2012


Yay! My blog's had over 10000 views now :D So proud!

Thanks to everyone who reads it,
and I'm blessed you're able to stand my ranting and rambling from time to time <3

Much love,

Monday 22 October 2012

Sunday sucks..

I swear I will reply tomorrow.. It's just that.. I'm so.. Zzzzzzzzz..

*passes out*

Saturday 20 October 2012

Double LOL!

Aww Carol, have you heard? We're mean :( Or well.. I'm mean at least!

Yeah just as mean as someone who pretends to be your friend, yet decides to go behind your back and try to ruin your RP, because they were jealous and didn't get enough attention. Yep.. I'm the "mean" one. Stop playing the victim, when you were the one who started it.

Tell you what though, love.. I can be so much worse, but I really don't care anymore. I get enough fun out of watching everybody talk shit behind YOUR back - What comes around goes around, huh? ;)

Oh and FYI.. There was no bet, because that would be pointless. We all knew it was just another sad, desperate cry for attention..


Thursday 18 October 2012


Sorry to everyone. I know I owe tons of replies. Will get around to it asap, just a bit drained and tired from a screwed sleep schedule :(

Spending the day in front of the TV, eating toast and smoking way too much. Damn, I can't wait til the weekend is over, and I go home for a bit again! Enough of this crap internet aswell -.-

Much love,

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Must.. stop.. drinking.. coke..

I'm not tired. Clock is moving towards 3 AM, and there's just TOO MUCH good comedy on TV!

I will be so dead later..

Sunday 14 October 2012


So I guess the game isn't like cancer anyway, huh?

Hahahaha.. Fuck sake, I had my money on it, Carol :(

ADVERTISING... and stuff.

Oi lovelings!

*yawns* So I'm awake now. Work was awesome friday, boring as fuck saturday. I'm getting to replying and all that lovely jazz in the next few hours!

Hope you all had a great weekend :-*

AAAAND.. Another two RPers joined the madness that is character blogs, check them out here and here. I've only had the pleasure of playing with one of them, but my other half adores the other one aswell :P

Much love,

Saturday 13 October 2012

Thank you..

Dear credit fairy, whoever you are <3

Never drink when you have to work the day after. Oh when will I learn.... *sighs*

Much love,

Friday 12 October 2012

Weekend!! Oh wait.

So I'm off to work soon. Hope you all will have a fantastic weekend. 
I will be slow and all that jazz as usual :P If you need me, scream at Megan Case' PM, she'll be able to reach me! Byyeeeee :D

Much love,

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Fuck sake!

It's official..

I suck at having promiscuous characters! Lol.. My poor heart beats for all the neverending love stories. FUCK SAKE..

On another note: A little love for you, because we're both hoping for this to actually happen. Hahaha! Dropping like flies as you say.. :P

Much love,

Tuesday 9 October 2012


10...9...8...7...6...5..4..3... fucking bullshit.. 2...1...

Nope, doesn't work.

Sunday 7 October 2012


I forgot to add this here! 
I've had this popmundo MSN for quite a while now, might aswell let you lot have it aswell :P


Hey my lovelings!

So work's over for the weekend. It was a tough one - again, sorry for being away and not responding, but I've been sick aswell. Though I'm much better now, and I should be back in action tomorrow night! Hopefully :P Thanks again for being patient <3 Mwah!

In other news, my best friend and I finally found a beautiful flat today, that we're possibly going to be moving into around 1/11, so I might be a little absent in the upcoming weeks and around that date due to getting that processed and things that go along with moving :P Fingers crossed!

Tonight is a night of chilling and TV watching, so I should be around! Hope you all had a great weekend.

Much love,

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Arrrghhh influenza -.-

I think my best friend might have been a contagious bastard. She's been sick with the flu since sunday now, and I've had very little contact with her, but somehow she still managed to make me sick too! (Yes I blame her for it!)

I'm not feeling very well at the moment, so my time online is limited.

Sorry guys, I'm doing the best I can.

Much love,

Monday 1 October 2012

Catching up..

Alright lovelings, hope you all had a nice weekend and whatnot!

I'll get to replying and all that jazz tomorrow (hopefully) - as always, my body is drained, and I need much more sleep! Thank you all for being patient with me :-*

Have a great mushy monday ;)

Much love,

Friday 28 September 2012

G.. Go.. Goneee!

Weekend time means, as always, work time for me!
I'll be away, but should be able to respond to a few PMs ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Much love,

Wednesday 26 September 2012


Sorry for not being around today, guys! Had something very important to tend to outside the little, blue, fantasy world.

Please forgive me for the lack of replies! I will try to catch up tomorrow and maybe a little tonight :-*

Much love,

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day of the Dead

Oh yes, it is that time again!

You should not expect any RP from me today, unless you decide to contact Jayden. I'll be hunting for as long as I can be arsed, so I'm pretty much ignoring every other character today :D

Oh and Jayden would like some mules. I think. I'll pay ya gooood.

Happy hunting!

Much love,

Thursday 20 September 2012


Just wanna give a little shoutout to my RP partners. I fucking love your faces.

You make and keep this game interesting and amazing for me. Thank you <3

You know who you are. That is all!

Much love,

Wednesday 19 September 2012


A new character to my harem!
Lennox Storm

Lennox is supposed to be a wild one. She's somewhat a ruthless bitch, who's actually cool and nice behind closed doors. She's violent and aggressive in every way, yet surprising loving :P

Promiscuous, affectionate and sincere.

Throw her a msg :D

Much love,

Thursday 13 September 2012

Proud.. but ARGH!

So I actually managed to let my 3 characters die. I'm sorta proud of myself. Superman ain't savin' shit :D

I just wanna bring them back already :x NO MAI, BAD. DO NOT. YOU MUST RESIST.
Okay, maybe one of them. Haha. Yes thanks, that'll work.

Tons of weddings coming up now, what the hell!
One down though, 3 to go :P

Much love,

Monday 3 September 2012

I wonder if..

I'm trying to downsize my character collection. I'm a big hoarder, and I love all of my characters - but I've come to the conclusion, that I need to get rid of some to get really active again.

For now I'll kill off Lily, Jayden and Aria. It's not like I can't ress them again, if I regret it.
I won't play it like they died (because I know I'll end up ressing one of them), I'll make up something along the lines of "going away".. I'm gonna give Piper to her.

Just please.. Do me a favour - Don't try to change my mind. This is for my own good and sanity. I'm keeping the characters that I currently play a lot, and whom have a puppetmaster that I trust and adore (and people, who have threatened to kill me if I didn't keep them!).

I am.. so not in the best mood at the moment.

Less love,


Had enough of dishonest people and their bullshit.

*engages angry mama bear mode*

Just piiiisss offff..

Friday 31 August 2012

Kinda here, but not really..

I do log on atm (to do bandstuff), but I'm hardly doing any RP. I'm sorry if I'm not responding to stuff, but my life doesn't seem to agree with me spending all my free time in front of the computer *cries*

I have work this weekend as usual, so I'll barely be around in the evenings, but during the daytime you might get a climpse of me!

As of sunday, I hope to be less busy.

The easiest way to get a hold of me (or someone who can get a hold of me :P), would still be jumping into this chat :D

Have a great weekend!

Much love,

Saturday 25 August 2012

Nearly there - Back tomorrow!

Hey guys!

I will start replying to your messages and stuff tomorrow, since I will be done working for the weekend. I need to help my best friend move her things from one place to another in the morning, but tomorrow night I should be back on my usual schedule: Free during the week, busy in the weekends!

Looking forward to talking to you all again <3 I missed a LOT of ya!

Much love,

Monday 20 August 2012

am I the only one who hates this?!

I hate it. Along with that, I hate it a lot.
And the halloween skin aswell. SCREW YA!

Please don't ask me what I'm still doing up at this hour.
I will just blame you and be done with it :D

Much love and goodnight kisses,

Sunday 19 August 2012

One week

Alright loves?

From tomorrow night at like midnight-ish, I won't have internet anymore. My 5 day passes will run out, and then I won't be online 'til I come back home - unless I am able to steal Matts internet dongle thingy, but I'd rather not.

I should (fingers crossed that my plane won't crash) be back in Denmark on the 23rd, but I have a few plans, and then I'm working friday and saturday anyway. So please don't expect any activity until sunday afternoon!

I know I owe a LOT of people replies, interactions and whatnot, but I am still on holiday. Please keep that in mind, if you're wondering why I'm slacking more than usual :P

I miss you guys. A LOOOT!

Much love,

Monday 13 August 2012


Still on holidays, will be back on august 23rd.

I might be logging on to Popmundo close to every day, but it's only to sort band stuff out.
Sorry if I miss your messages, since I'm really not replying to them at the moment, and especially sorry to Lourdes <3 Bless you, hun!

If any of you need me quite urgently, please bug her, and she'll let me know.

See you soon x

Thursday 9 August 2012

Away from keyboard - ENGLAND!

I'm leaving for England in 4 hours! Sooo I'll be pretty much off for the next 2 weeks.

Sorry for the upcoming lack of interactions, RP (lol), band stuff and shit like that.

See ya soon! BYEEEE :D

I <3 my girls.

Much love,

Sunday 5 August 2012


3 weeks of holiday ahead of me.. I'm going home tonight! I have the intention of spamming all of you with tons of messages for the next 3 days - filled with incredible RP! *smirks*

Leaving for England on thursday. Gonna be UH-mazing!

Hope you all had a fantastic weekend :-*

Much love,

Thursday 2 August 2012

A little heads up..

Trying to keep interactions to V2 - Promise I will get better at it!
(yet I tend to forget that's what I'm doing and do them in V1 anyway)
Still mostly replying to messages in V1 only.
(except for Sara, who uses v2 cus Byrden's all going with the modern flow)
If people are interested in RPing via email, please let me know.
(here I'm thinking of the people, who maybe use their phone for pop a lot)


I am going to England again in a week (Thursday, august 9th) for 2 weeks to visit some friends. How much I'll be online, I really don't know. I might be completely off.

I will hog his internet at some point though, or maybe I'll buy some hotspot days.

Hope you will polarbear with me and such!

Much love,

Sunday 22 July 2012

Busy busy busy - again!

I'm sorry for being so MIA lately, work has been crazy - I have like ALL the shifts at the moment.

I usually bring my laptop down though, but a lot of my friends come down here and sit with me during the shifts, so I barely have time to stick my nose down the computer.

I hope you can all polarbear with me - After next week, I should be sort of back to normal!

Have a great day :D

Much love,

Friday 13 July 2012

Holidays with a big, fat H!

Woohoo, weekend time means work time *pouts* I shall be a bit preoccupied during the nights, but I should be around during daytime!

So not only am I going away for work, but I'm actually not gonna be home for 2+ weeks. I'm spending next week at my best friends, dogsitting my precious Lady, and the week after I'm dogsitting at Mike's parents house too.

I will have my laptop with me, I will have plenty of internet access - Though my boss has this idea that when I'm in town, I need to work nonstop. So I might be getting 12+ hours shifts the next weekends :(

Not to worry (too much) though! I will be able to answer messages, be on skype etc.


Much love,

Friday 6 July 2012

Prowlin' like a T-bird with a laptop

I had a fantastic day yesterday. My best friend, her brother, his girlfriend and I went to the beach. It was amazing, we even went swimming! We made awesome dinner and ended up getting tipsy. GREAT day!

But now..

The weekend has arrived, and I am off to work in a few hours. I will be bringing my laptop, so I'll probably be around - depending on how busy it'll be.

Soooo.. Send me tons of RP, so I have something to reply to *nods eagerly* And I'll get around to reply to the ones that are already pending! (sorry, sorry, SORRY!)

Have a great one!

Much love,

Monday 2 July 2012

A little bit of crazy

I've played this game for four and a half years now - I've met so many different personalities, it's unreal. Though it's quite fascinating aswell. Carol and I talk about everything and everyone in Popmundo pretty much EVERY day, and we share our experiences with other puppetmasters - which is why you'll find that we usually play with a lot of the same people across our characters. I see her as my other half in this game, the crazy other half. All her characters are connected to mine in some way - best friends, family, lovers and whatnot, and I think that's quite impressive. I guess sometimes you gotta take a chance on the crazy ones, right? :P

Last night we were talking about other puppetmasters in general. How some of them seem like they're insane or something - and not the good kind. That actually got me thinking. A few weeks ago, we were talking in chat about seperating the two worlds. These words slipped off my tongue;

"People always go on about seperating that. Truth is, if your characters are involved with someone for a while, you get to know the PM (usually). And somehow, out of the blue, you create some sort of a friendship. If those people screw you over, even if it's "just" in character, that shit hits you right in the blood rock."

I wonder.. What goes wrong? What drives people to do some of the shit they do in this game? The lying, the backstabbing.. All of it. Do people really hide behind their screen and characters so much, that they can't just (wo)man up and talk things through? BEFORE feelings get hurt, before that someone loses their motivation with their character. Cowards. All of them.

I understand the whole "taking the game too seriously"-thing, but who are we to determine where to draw the line? Are people being dickheads and manipulating assholes in this game, cus they don't have a say in their real lives?

I know, I know, I make fun of people all the time. I laugh at other players, who think I give a shit about them or their game, when I hardly know them... But let's be honest. I'm kind of a horrible rhymes-with-witch sometimes. My claws are always out, and I don't take any shit from anyone. I don't believe anyone should!

Okay okay.. Enough rambling from me.
See this is what happens when I just let my fingers do the walking. Heh :D

Have a great day!

Much love,

Friday 29 June 2012

Weekend off - once again!

I suppose you might aswell get used to it, if you're not already :P

Working again this weekend (I work pretty much every weekend anyway!)

I might be able to reply to some messages every now and then, but I will be a slowpoke as usual!

Have a great weekend :D

Much love,

Thursday 28 June 2012

My partner in crime joined la follia!

So I think you should all go and check this out!

My wifey joined in on the popmundo character blog, and I think she did a fantastic job! Have a look for yourselves - Her characters are awesome!

Love ya, babes!

Much love,

Dealing with Nolan.... What?

(3:04:30 AM) Alex Nolan: i'm lazy
(3:04:41 AM) Ashlyn: Yes I know, my love
(3:04:45 AM) Alex Nolan: i won't get out of control
(3:04:48 AM) Ashlyn: that's why I heart you so much
(3:04:48 AM) Alex Nolan: that is unlike me
(3:04:54 AM) Alex Nolan: i thought it was because i'm awesome
(3:05:05 AM) Ashlyn: 50/50 really
(3:05:57 AM) Alex Nolan: well what matters is that i've ruined you for other men
(3:05:59 AM) Alex Nolan: so that's good

*cracks up laughing* YOU'RE NUTS!

Much love,

Wednesday 27 June 2012

So much love

Don't think I've ever enjoyed the game as much as I am right now.
It's all so interesting! Thank you my fantastic roleplaying partners :-*

I think I'll spend some time updating this today :P

Much love,
Mai xx
(who loves Carolina unconditionally <3)

Saturday 9 June 2012

Almost there!

The internet I bought is running out. I got myself 5 day passes, and the last one dies in about 40 minutes :P I might be online tonight, since we're babysitting Elishas nephew at her brothers house - if not, I'll see you all sunday night or some time monday!

I've had a hectic week, and I hope everyone has been able to bear with me. Even if I've logged on, I've barely answered anyones messages and whatnot, but to be fair.. I am on holiday ;)

Have a great weekend, and I will see you soon!

Much love,

Thursday 31 May 2012

Updates and England, my love

Okay, I decided I'd give you guys some updates before I head off to England for 10 days! My flight leaves at 19.10 (GMT+1) TONIGHT, but I'm going last minute shopping with my mama, so I'll be leaving the house at 16. I AM bringing a laptop, and I WILL have internet access, but since I'll mostly be on my phone, I probably won't be replying much anyway. Hopefully none of you have killed yourselves, when I come back :D

My special going-away present isssss.. A character list update (of the ones I actually play atm)!

Ashlyn: Working hard to perfect her skills for the band. Vera (<3) joined a while ago, and I can't wait for them to start touring sometime in a million years! She had her son, Jason, who's healthy as an apple. Alex is amazing, I'm so happy those two idiots found each other :P

Quinn: Just started touring again, which I'm quite excited about! I think it's gonna go very well this time. I adopted her kids out, and have deleted every blog that indicated she had them. She met someone a while ago, that made her go low on the radar, but he seems to have gone inactive again, so I've given up on that :P My friend, Eva, had her character (Hailey Elias) resurrected, and we're currently playing those two together. Quinn is still promiscuous, because 'everyone knows that's how you get famous'.

Sara: Still kinda inactive with this little lady. Their cute little family is living in Belgrade atm, skilling up anything but band stuff ofcourse. I'm quite excited about the next Day of the Dead - she's gonna kick some ass! Thinking a little bit about making her pregnant again, though Byrdens player is quite inactive aswell right now, so I don't know if it's just because I'm bored :P

Lucy: Seems to be the talk of the town lately. I'm not even going to comment on the divorce, since it was all decided OOC, which is why I ignored it in game aswell. I didn't want to be one of those assholes who made up a shit story about the other person, just so everyone else would go "aww poor Lucy, I feel so sorry for you. That person is awful!" - But some people crave and need attention more than others, so I guess we're not all alike, huh ;) Oh and Kailey? Thank you for being so awesome, you've made Lucy fun to play <3

Callum: Just started his first our. Considering he lacks pretty much every skill in the book, he's doing alright with "good" shows for now! He got divorced recently, and it's actually not too bad. Those two should've never gotten married in the first place according to him! He still misses her like hell, hopefully they'll work things out. And he finally got to screw Rachel aswell :DDD

Taylor: Skilling up for the tour with Megan. She's still hurt and misses Andrew a lot, but she's now started dating again. SLOWLY, I'll have you know. No rush with this one EVER. I am kinda dying to give her a daughter though, but I'm out of adoption luck at the moment :(

Lily: On tour with Quinn, writing some fantastic songs, wooo! My innocent, pretty much only sane, character is pregnant at the age of 18. FOR FUCK SAKE. Haha. It was an oops, but we decided to play it. Thank God we did, cus that RP was fucking adorable. I'm glad her and Dexter finally have a chance of being happy together, god knows they've waited enough years for it :P

Harlow: Spending time with her "newly acquired" boyfriend, Miles! I love their RP! Seriously, it makes me laugh so hard sometimes :P It was a big transition for her, going from a massive slut to this monogamous little girl, but it was aaaaall worth it. Skilling up for the band with Rachel, which will be absolutely AWESOME!

Jayden: Currently at Hotel California with Iz and Em, or well, Em is a chicken-shit, who left already :P Not very active with this guy atm, but I will definitely be coming back to him, when I get back home. I will probably teleport him out in a minute, so I can have him zombie out at uni, while I'm gone. Oh and the two cute idiots passed the 2 year mark now, I'm very happy about them. They're so stupid, it's adorable! Makes for some good drama, and some cute make-up RP!

Okay, that's it for now. If I forgot anything, I'm sorry, since my mind is elsewhere atm :P Don't forget I am ONLY AT V1 STILL!

Now I shall start packing. I am not a procrastinator, no I am not :P OKAY GOING....

To my CURRENT rp partners: I LOVE you guys. I have some really fantastic better halfs in that game, and I'm blessed to have met each and every one of you.

And girls? Don't miss me too much in the lounge. iMessage, Touch and whatnot. Love you <3

Much love, tea and cookies,
Mai xx

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Why am I up at this hour?

I went to bed at like 2 am. Woke up at 7.30? What the actual fuck? *shakes head* Hoping to get tired again in a minute or two, so I can nap!

Spent the whole day helping some friends get back into Popmundo. It was fun, and a little stressful :P Hopefully they'll stick around this time!

2 more days 'til England <3 Have a great day!

Much love,

Friday 25 May 2012

What a way to make a living

Alright, so we've officially reached the weekend, and I'm working friday and saturday night. I'll be at my friends house, I've brought my laptop along (my loyal companion), but the sun is shining and my skin wants more tan. I'll try to on as much as I can, but it will be limited as always during the weekend!

And for those of you who don't know; I'm going to England for 10 days next thursday (May 31st), so don't expect too much of me in the upcoming weeks - Sorry <3

Much love,

Tuesday 22 May 2012


Yes I knooooow! I am the biggest procratinator in the world :( I shall force myself to get something done... Maybe :P

Goodnight and much love,

Sunday 20 May 2012

I never see you out

Updates and everything should be up tomorrow. Sorry to everyone for being a slowpoke again, but as you know, I work at night in the weekends and my middle name is lazy :P


Much love,

Thursday 10 May 2012

Kissing underdogs

Hey lovelings!

We've reached the weekend once again, and I am working friday and saturday night. This means I won't be around on Popmundo much, since I'm at my best friend's house til sunday sometime.

I am done being all busy for a while though, so I should be getting back to activeness-land after the weekend! Thank you so much for bearing with me lately, just shows how absolutely amazing you people are <3

ESPECIALLY thanks and tons of love to Matt, Alex, Izzie, Paula, Megan and Miles' puppetmasters! I am most definitely working towards making it all up to you guys :P

Updates will be up on sunday along with character blogs.
In the meantime.. Have a nice weekend!

Much love,

PS. I hate v2. Being a stubborn ass - Sticking to v1 as long as I can!

Monday 7 May 2012

Mai is sleepdrived

I'm hoping to get back to my game today or maybe in the upcoming days, but I am a zombie right now! I'm sorry to my roleplaying partners for being a lazy fuck, I hope you still love me :P

I hate v2. And I am not switching until I absolutely have to *pouts*

Much love,

Friday 4 May 2012

Busy bee: Working for the (h/)money

My boss is whipping me. Someone call whoever it is you call!

Wednesday; Got called in at 11. We open at 13. I have to be in at 12. Cheers boss.
Thursday; Supposedly day off. Not really. Got called in for the night shift at 21. Closed at 4.30 :(
Friday; I'm now at work again. Just opened about 20 minutes ago, no people yet, THANK GOD. And I have both shifts today, so I'll be going home at 00.30 the earliest.

Saturday; Supposedly day off. No, exactly - not really. Boss got a call-in-sick, so Mai has to take over. Jebus.

Good thing I love my job, isn't it? :P

Sorry for the non-existant RP from all my characters this weekend!

Have a great one!

Much love,

Monday 30 April 2012

v2: PMs, relationships and fuck knows what.

Hello my fellow popmundians,

Today I thought I might aswell cave and start learning this V2 stuff. I've only really been using it to sell credit items, book jets and all that. So now we gotta see what all the fuss (not) is about! It's definitely gonna take some time, I already miss my blue world.

I've moved all the relationships from v1 to the new version already, but I'm gonna start adding people to the address books aswell, set some rules (sexual interaction etc.) for the relationships and so on.

Climbing the ladder, I might aswell try focusing on the new conversation system in v2. I'll still log on v1 to check messages, but please try to move them to the new version asap! Speaking of messages, I am in no mood whatsoever for narrative at the moment (combination of laziness and lack of motivation). I can't seem to be bothered with replying to them, so if you want anything out of me, try something short or 1st person stuff. SIMPLES!

Thanks again for bearing with me. Any questions about our current roleplay etc., send me an 'OOC' message or e-mail me @ :)

Much love,

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Another day of laziness - Shocker!

I feel a little guilty for not getting any RP done. I've been neglecting some amazing people, and it just makes them even more amazing that they bear with me *sends hugs to those lovely people and their awesome characters*

A few updates, hmm.. Lucy and Matt got married! HA! Those two and their drama, phew.. I honestly never expected them to get back together, but Kobe had other plans for them. Sooo right now they're honeymooning in Australia with their family, celebrating birthdays and shit like that! Lovely :P

Callum's son, Ayden, was born yesterday! You know, it's funny, because every time one of my girls have been pregnant, the time passes OH-SO-SLOWLY. This time it went really fast, like.. I wasn't impatient at all! (Ok tiny bit, but not as much as normally) - Oh and oh my gosh, he was asked to go monogamous, and he said yes, the stupid idiot. My jaw dropped, and the girls laughed at me *pouts* I loooove Paulas RP though, so it doesn't matter to me that much - it'll be fun to see how this plays out anyway!

Lily had an interesting date with her new uhm.. friend? Haha. Hawt stuff, I tell ya! Her and Quinn are going back on tour in a months time though, same schedule as Paula and Callum. Can't wait to see how it'll work out this time, hopefully they'll climb a few ranks!

Ohhh and if you know anyone who's adopting out teen boys or girls, please give me a shout. Credits are available too!

Have a nice day!

Much love,

Monday 23 April 2012

Fuck, I give up!

Fuck you popmundo.. Fuck you for being SO slow! Not the good fucks either! TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, STINKING FUCKS! *shakes her fist* Rebels!

I feel like writing the devs an angry letter for ruining my mushy monday night. Suppose I could get working on this baby - or start some blogs in open office or something? *snorts* Nah!

Oh and I tried turning on the old laptop btw - it's dead. We had a funeral, my cats and I. We pulled the plug, closed the curtains and all that jazz. Served catfood on it, danced on it and afterwards.. Elmo thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep on it.. So all my notes are gone. Awesome.

Weeeell I'll see what I can be arsed to work on.

Anyway, love this! Come join us angry beaches on chat :)

Much love,

Saturday 21 April 2012

Back tomorrow sometime..

I'm off to work in like 30 minutes, so I won't be online anywhere tonight - Well, I might be on skype and the usual, but no popmundo and no chat *poutyface*

Chances are I'll get off work at shit in the morning, sooooo see you guys sometime tomorrow! Have a fantastic night, get drunk, dance and sing like a popstar ;)

And Carol.. You suck for being away this weekend!

Much love,

Friday 20 April 2012

Best trait ever: Lazy

Ask me what I've been doing all day! YES ACTUALLY, I HAVE been in my bed for this entire day.. And it feels goooood! Especially when I have work tomorrow, and I just KNOW I won't be able to close early. Fingers crossed though!

Not much to report today really.. I've almost eaten my chocolate bunny. I'm like over halfway through! Someone told me that people, who eat a lot of chocolate, are usually slimmer than the ones who don't. That's gotta be me! NO, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S A LIE. It makes me feel better about being a chocoholic!

Planning on gaming a little bit with Karo in a min, if she can like hurry up and level already :P In the meantime, thank you for keeping me busy! Haha!

Still haven't tried turning on the old laptop. Maybe sunday? I'm the best at procrastinating!

Song of the day - Picture of the day

And you <3 Chin up, hun.

Much love,

(EDIT: I've changed it, so you don't have to be registered to comment)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Fawk you work!

Remember when I said I only work weekends? Yeah I lied.. I kinda work whenever my boss says "Hey Mai, can you come in today?" and I go "Suuuure, I was only planning on playing popmundo and laze around in bed ALL DAY"...

I hate myself for agreeing to tonights shift. Now I'm home. Tired. Slightly drunk - Those locals always try to get the lovely bartender (yes, that's me) buzzing.. Assholes.

I will... Sleeeeep now... Damn it.

Much love,


Wednesday 18 April 2012

An update - Skinny Love

Okay so.. Today I've pretty much done fuck all. Slept in late, walked the dog, went tanning. All good :P (I'm one of those lucky people, who usually only work on the weekends.....)

I have this old laptop, where I used to keep all my notes on my characters - and I have TONS of notes. You know what happens to those notes, when said laptop's graphics card (or whatever the hell it is that makes my screen freeze to death) decides to retire? That's right, they become unreachable and die!

I have been planning on tryyyyying to turn it on, see what happens, for a few days now, but I haven't managed to do it yet. Procrastinating for the win, eh?

Now for popo..... Harlows date is cracking me up tonight!
And Alex.. You can come home now, thankyouverymuch!

Song of the dayPicture of the (yester)day

Much love


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Test: Opening!

A little love for my girls.. Carolina, Maja, Lena, Karoline, Meija <3
Fix me up