Monday 2 July 2012

A little bit of crazy

I've played this game for four and a half years now - I've met so many different personalities, it's unreal. Though it's quite fascinating aswell. Carol and I talk about everything and everyone in Popmundo pretty much EVERY day, and we share our experiences with other puppetmasters - which is why you'll find that we usually play with a lot of the same people across our characters. I see her as my other half in this game, the crazy other half. All her characters are connected to mine in some way - best friends, family, lovers and whatnot, and I think that's quite impressive. I guess sometimes you gotta take a chance on the crazy ones, right? :P

Last night we were talking about other puppetmasters in general. How some of them seem like they're insane or something - and not the good kind. That actually got me thinking. A few weeks ago, we were talking in chat about seperating the two worlds. These words slipped off my tongue;

"People always go on about seperating that. Truth is, if your characters are involved with someone for a while, you get to know the PM (usually). And somehow, out of the blue, you create some sort of a friendship. If those people screw you over, even if it's "just" in character, that shit hits you right in the blood rock."

I wonder.. What goes wrong? What drives people to do some of the shit they do in this game? The lying, the backstabbing.. All of it. Do people really hide behind their screen and characters so much, that they can't just (wo)man up and talk things through? BEFORE feelings get hurt, before that someone loses their motivation with their character. Cowards. All of them.

I understand the whole "taking the game too seriously"-thing, but who are we to determine where to draw the line? Are people being dickheads and manipulating assholes in this game, cus they don't have a say in their real lives?

I know, I know, I make fun of people all the time. I laugh at other players, who think I give a shit about them or their game, when I hardly know them... But let's be honest. I'm kind of a horrible rhymes-with-witch sometimes. My claws are always out, and I don't take any shit from anyone. I don't believe anyone should!

Okay okay.. Enough rambling from me.
See this is what happens when I just let my fingers do the walking. Heh :D

Have a great day!

Much love,


  1. I say boring lives and rotten personalities. You put your time and effort into the game, of course you're going to get upset when it turns nasty. It's not about separating things properly or not... Especially when the situation is avoidable.

    Thank god I can just glue my charries to yours and let them lead a crazy-free life. Well almost :p We manage to come up with plenty of crazy on our own!

  2. Oh I was about to say the same as Carol.. Some people are just dicks.
