Thursday 31 May 2012

Updates and England, my love

Okay, I decided I'd give you guys some updates before I head off to England for 10 days! My flight leaves at 19.10 (GMT+1) TONIGHT, but I'm going last minute shopping with my mama, so I'll be leaving the house at 16. I AM bringing a laptop, and I WILL have internet access, but since I'll mostly be on my phone, I probably won't be replying much anyway. Hopefully none of you have killed yourselves, when I come back :D

My special going-away present isssss.. A character list update (of the ones I actually play atm)!

Ashlyn: Working hard to perfect her skills for the band. Vera (<3) joined a while ago, and I can't wait for them to start touring sometime in a million years! She had her son, Jason, who's healthy as an apple. Alex is amazing, I'm so happy those two idiots found each other :P

Quinn: Just started touring again, which I'm quite excited about! I think it's gonna go very well this time. I adopted her kids out, and have deleted every blog that indicated she had them. She met someone a while ago, that made her go low on the radar, but he seems to have gone inactive again, so I've given up on that :P My friend, Eva, had her character (Hailey Elias) resurrected, and we're currently playing those two together. Quinn is still promiscuous, because 'everyone knows that's how you get famous'.

Sara: Still kinda inactive with this little lady. Their cute little family is living in Belgrade atm, skilling up anything but band stuff ofcourse. I'm quite excited about the next Day of the Dead - she's gonna kick some ass! Thinking a little bit about making her pregnant again, though Byrdens player is quite inactive aswell right now, so I don't know if it's just because I'm bored :P

Lucy: Seems to be the talk of the town lately. I'm not even going to comment on the divorce, since it was all decided OOC, which is why I ignored it in game aswell. I didn't want to be one of those assholes who made up a shit story about the other person, just so everyone else would go "aww poor Lucy, I feel so sorry for you. That person is awful!" - But some people crave and need attention more than others, so I guess we're not all alike, huh ;) Oh and Kailey? Thank you for being so awesome, you've made Lucy fun to play <3

Callum: Just started his first our. Considering he lacks pretty much every skill in the book, he's doing alright with "good" shows for now! He got divorced recently, and it's actually not too bad. Those two should've never gotten married in the first place according to him! He still misses her like hell, hopefully they'll work things out. And he finally got to screw Rachel aswell :DDD

Taylor: Skilling up for the tour with Megan. She's still hurt and misses Andrew a lot, but she's now started dating again. SLOWLY, I'll have you know. No rush with this one EVER. I am kinda dying to give her a daughter though, but I'm out of adoption luck at the moment :(

Lily: On tour with Quinn, writing some fantastic songs, wooo! My innocent, pretty much only sane, character is pregnant at the age of 18. FOR FUCK SAKE. Haha. It was an oops, but we decided to play it. Thank God we did, cus that RP was fucking adorable. I'm glad her and Dexter finally have a chance of being happy together, god knows they've waited enough years for it :P

Harlow: Spending time with her "newly acquired" boyfriend, Miles! I love their RP! Seriously, it makes me laugh so hard sometimes :P It was a big transition for her, going from a massive slut to this monogamous little girl, but it was aaaaall worth it. Skilling up for the band with Rachel, which will be absolutely AWESOME!

Jayden: Currently at Hotel California with Iz and Em, or well, Em is a chicken-shit, who left already :P Not very active with this guy atm, but I will definitely be coming back to him, when I get back home. I will probably teleport him out in a minute, so I can have him zombie out at uni, while I'm gone. Oh and the two cute idiots passed the 2 year mark now, I'm very happy about them. They're so stupid, it's adorable! Makes for some good drama, and some cute make-up RP!

Okay, that's it for now. If I forgot anything, I'm sorry, since my mind is elsewhere atm :P Don't forget I am ONLY AT V1 STILL!

Now I shall start packing. I am not a procrastinator, no I am not :P OKAY GOING....

To my CURRENT rp partners: I LOVE you guys. I have some really fantastic better halfs in that game, and I'm blessed to have met each and every one of you.

And girls? Don't miss me too much in the lounge. iMessage, Touch and whatnot. Love you <3

Much love, tea and cookies,
Mai xx


  1. Comeeeeeeeeeeee back. Now!

  2. Have fun in England, aw! I miss London so much, hope you have a great time there. You'll be missed. xxx

