Friday 20 April 2012

Best trait ever: Lazy

Ask me what I've been doing all day! YES ACTUALLY, I HAVE been in my bed for this entire day.. And it feels goooood! Especially when I have work tomorrow, and I just KNOW I won't be able to close early. Fingers crossed though!

Not much to report today really.. I've almost eaten my chocolate bunny. I'm like over halfway through! Someone told me that people, who eat a lot of chocolate, are usually slimmer than the ones who don't. That's gotta be me! NO, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S A LIE. It makes me feel better about being a chocoholic!

Planning on gaming a little bit with Karo in a min, if she can like hurry up and level already :P In the meantime, thank you for keeping me busy! Haha!

Still haven't tried turning on the old laptop. Maybe sunday? I'm the best at procrastinating!

Song of the day - Picture of the day

And you <3 Chin up, hun.

Much love,

(EDIT: I've changed it, so you don't have to be registered to comment)

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