Monday 5 November 2012

Movingness - Random blog post which is important!

Hello lovelings,

It breaks my heart to say that I'll be totally (almost) absent for a while. I've just moved into a new flat with my best friend, and we've yet to sort our internet out. Though I've been promised one of those dongle thingies, so I might be able to log on and answer some messages in a few days.

I will be logging on, you will probably see me online, but I'm playing from my phone - think we all know how difficult that can be at times :P So I only log in to keep my puppets from wandering, sort band stuff and fix their songwriting/skilling. I don't think I will be able to answer or start any scenes/messages for at least two weeks - maybe on the weekends, when I'm at work.

A special thanks to the PMs of: Alex, Lourdes, Brandon, Megan, River, Miles, Winter, Nikolay and Bianca <3 I hope you guys will stick around my characters despite my absence. Lots of love to you lot!!

If there is anything urgent, like my characters need to do something, don't hestitate to bug my fantastic girls: Megan Case, Vera Rose, Isabelle Ruddock or Emerie Parris - they all know how to reach me asap!

Much love :-*

1 comment:

  1. Hope you two are loving the new place! Don't worry about the POP stuff sweets. Get nice and settled and have a blast putting stuff together for the flat! ^_^
