Friday 4 May 2012

Busy bee: Working for the (h/)money

My boss is whipping me. Someone call whoever it is you call!

Wednesday; Got called in at 11. We open at 13. I have to be in at 12. Cheers boss.
Thursday; Supposedly day off. Not really. Got called in for the night shift at 21. Closed at 4.30 :(
Friday; I'm now at work again. Just opened about 20 minutes ago, no people yet, THANK GOD. And I have both shifts today, so I'll be going home at 00.30 the earliest.

Saturday; Supposedly day off. No, exactly - not really. Boss got a call-in-sick, so Mai has to take over. Jebus.

Good thing I love my job, isn't it? :P

Sorry for the non-existant RP from all my characters this weekend!

Have a great one!

Much love,