Monday 30 April 2012

v2: PMs, relationships and fuck knows what.

Hello my fellow popmundians,

Today I thought I might aswell cave and start learning this V2 stuff. I've only really been using it to sell credit items, book jets and all that. So now we gotta see what all the fuss (not) is about! It's definitely gonna take some time, I already miss my blue world.

I've moved all the relationships from v1 to the new version already, but I'm gonna start adding people to the address books aswell, set some rules (sexual interaction etc.) for the relationships and so on.

Climbing the ladder, I might aswell try focusing on the new conversation system in v2. I'll still log on v1 to check messages, but please try to move them to the new version asap! Speaking of messages, I am in no mood whatsoever for narrative at the moment (combination of laziness and lack of motivation). I can't seem to be bothered with replying to them, so if you want anything out of me, try something short or 1st person stuff. SIMPLES!

Thanks again for bearing with me. Any questions about our current roleplay etc., send me an 'OOC' message or e-mail me @ :)

Much love,


  1. Stop being a lazy fuck, eh!

    *has absolutely no room to talk*


    1. HA! Yeah you are in absolutely no position to say that, darling :D

  2. Loving this blog/character details idea! Should I have one for myself too, hmm...

    -Jordyn & Langfords

    1. Aww thank you! Yes you should, go go go :P
