Thursday 28 June 2012

Dealing with Nolan.... What?

(3:04:30 AM) Alex Nolan: i'm lazy
(3:04:41 AM) Ashlyn: Yes I know, my love
(3:04:45 AM) Alex Nolan: i won't get out of control
(3:04:48 AM) Ashlyn: that's why I heart you so much
(3:04:48 AM) Alex Nolan: that is unlike me
(3:04:54 AM) Alex Nolan: i thought it was because i'm awesome
(3:05:05 AM) Ashlyn: 50/50 really
(3:05:57 AM) Alex Nolan: well what matters is that i've ruined you for other men
(3:05:59 AM) Alex Nolan: so that's good

*cracks up laughing* YOU'RE NUTS!

Much love,