Friday 6 July 2012

Prowlin' like a T-bird with a laptop

I had a fantastic day yesterday. My best friend, her brother, his girlfriend and I went to the beach. It was amazing, we even went swimming! We made awesome dinner and ended up getting tipsy. GREAT day!

But now..

The weekend has arrived, and I am off to work in a few hours. I will be bringing my laptop, so I'll probably be around - depending on how busy it'll be.

Soooo.. Send me tons of RP, so I have something to reply to *nods eagerly* And I'll get around to reply to the ones that are already pending! (sorry, sorry, SORRY!)

Have a great one!

Much love,


  1. Send me tons of RP, so I have something to reply to *nods eagerly* .... I can't even.... SURE, ASK FOR RP ON THE WEEKEND I'M AWAY FROM HOME, WHY DON'T YOU?

    1. Hahaha you can give me some RP on sunday aswell ;) LOVE YOU!
