Saturday 25 August 2012

Nearly there - Back tomorrow!

Hey guys!

I will start replying to your messages and stuff tomorrow, since I will be done working for the weekend. I need to help my best friend move her things from one place to another in the morning, but tomorrow night I should be back on my usual schedule: Free during the week, busy in the weekends!

Looking forward to talking to you all again <3 I missed a LOT of ya!

Much love,


  1. You're back and I'm most likely gone/slow for a while. I'm thinking the RP gods are working against us.. :(

  2. Yay! So glad you're coming back. Let me know when you have some free time so we can figure things out for Spence and Piper. Take care! xxx


    1. I have plenty of time :D Come back to chat one of these days, I should be around <3 xx

    2. I always forget the chat! I'll try to catch you online, xxx
