Monday 3 September 2012

I wonder if..

I'm trying to downsize my character collection. I'm a big hoarder, and I love all of my characters - but I've come to the conclusion, that I need to get rid of some to get really active again.

For now I'll kill off Lily, Jayden and Aria. It's not like I can't ress them again, if I regret it.
I won't play it like they died (because I know I'll end up ressing one of them), I'll make up something along the lines of "going away".. I'm gonna give Piper to her.

Just please.. Do me a favour - Don't try to change my mind. This is for my own good and sanity. I'm keeping the characters that I currently play a lot, and whom have a puppetmaster that I trust and adore (and people, who have threatened to kill me if I didn't keep them!).

I am.. so not in the best mood at the moment.

Less love,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jayden is going? It will be so weird not having him around but if you feel like it'll serve you better, go on and do it. Getting rid of the spare parts - no matter how much you love them - can be a bilg relief, I know. Hope you start feeling better soon love. x

