Wednesday 18 April 2012

An update - Skinny Love

Okay so.. Today I've pretty much done fuck all. Slept in late, walked the dog, went tanning. All good :P (I'm one of those lucky people, who usually only work on the weekends.....)

I have this old laptop, where I used to keep all my notes on my characters - and I have TONS of notes. You know what happens to those notes, when said laptop's graphics card (or whatever the hell it is that makes my screen freeze to death) decides to retire? That's right, they become unreachable and die!

I have been planning on tryyyyying to turn it on, see what happens, for a few days now, but I haven't managed to do it yet. Procrastinating for the win, eh?

Now for popo..... Harlows date is cracking me up tonight!
And Alex.. You can come home now, thankyouverymuch!

Song of the dayPicture of the (yester)day

Much love



  1. I can't take any more 'blog reply' thingies.

  2. Hahaha. I suppose we should've taken it to PMs, yeah? :P
    LOVE YA!
