Monday 23 April 2012

Fuck, I give up!

Fuck you popmundo.. Fuck you for being SO slow! Not the good fucks either! TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, STINKING FUCKS! *shakes her fist* Rebels!

I feel like writing the devs an angry letter for ruining my mushy monday night. Suppose I could get working on this baby - or start some blogs in open office or something? *snorts* Nah!

Oh and I tried turning on the old laptop btw - it's dead. We had a funeral, my cats and I. We pulled the plug, closed the curtains and all that jazz. Served catfood on it, danced on it and afterwards.. Elmo thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep on it.. So all my notes are gone. Awesome.

Weeeell I'll see what I can be arsed to work on.

Anyway, love this! Come join us angry beaches on chat :)

Much love,

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