Monday 30 April 2012

v2: PMs, relationships and fuck knows what.

Hello my fellow popmundians,

Today I thought I might aswell cave and start learning this V2 stuff. I've only really been using it to sell credit items, book jets and all that. So now we gotta see what all the fuss (not) is about! It's definitely gonna take some time, I already miss my blue world.

I've moved all the relationships from v1 to the new version already, but I'm gonna start adding people to the address books aswell, set some rules (sexual interaction etc.) for the relationships and so on.

Climbing the ladder, I might aswell try focusing on the new conversation system in v2. I'll still log on v1 to check messages, but please try to move them to the new version asap! Speaking of messages, I am in no mood whatsoever for narrative at the moment (combination of laziness and lack of motivation). I can't seem to be bothered with replying to them, so if you want anything out of me, try something short or 1st person stuff. SIMPLES!

Thanks again for bearing with me. Any questions about our current roleplay etc., send me an 'OOC' message or e-mail me @ :)

Much love,

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Another day of laziness - Shocker!

I feel a little guilty for not getting any RP done. I've been neglecting some amazing people, and it just makes them even more amazing that they bear with me *sends hugs to those lovely people and their awesome characters*

A few updates, hmm.. Lucy and Matt got married! HA! Those two and their drama, phew.. I honestly never expected them to get back together, but Kobe had other plans for them. Sooo right now they're honeymooning in Australia with their family, celebrating birthdays and shit like that! Lovely :P

Callum's son, Ayden, was born yesterday! You know, it's funny, because every time one of my girls have been pregnant, the time passes OH-SO-SLOWLY. This time it went really fast, like.. I wasn't impatient at all! (Ok tiny bit, but not as much as normally) - Oh and oh my gosh, he was asked to go monogamous, and he said yes, the stupid idiot. My jaw dropped, and the girls laughed at me *pouts* I loooove Paulas RP though, so it doesn't matter to me that much - it'll be fun to see how this plays out anyway!

Lily had an interesting date with her new uhm.. friend? Haha. Hawt stuff, I tell ya! Her and Quinn are going back on tour in a months time though, same schedule as Paula and Callum. Can't wait to see how it'll work out this time, hopefully they'll climb a few ranks!

Ohhh and if you know anyone who's adopting out teen boys or girls, please give me a shout. Credits are available too!

Have a nice day!

Much love,

Monday 23 April 2012

Fuck, I give up!

Fuck you popmundo.. Fuck you for being SO slow! Not the good fucks either! TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, STINKING FUCKS! *shakes her fist* Rebels!

I feel like writing the devs an angry letter for ruining my mushy monday night. Suppose I could get working on this baby - or start some blogs in open office or something? *snorts* Nah!

Oh and I tried turning on the old laptop btw - it's dead. We had a funeral, my cats and I. We pulled the plug, closed the curtains and all that jazz. Served catfood on it, danced on it and afterwards.. Elmo thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep on it.. So all my notes are gone. Awesome.

Weeeell I'll see what I can be arsed to work on.

Anyway, love this! Come join us angry beaches on chat :)

Much love,

Saturday 21 April 2012

Back tomorrow sometime..

I'm off to work in like 30 minutes, so I won't be online anywhere tonight - Well, I might be on skype and the usual, but no popmundo and no chat *poutyface*

Chances are I'll get off work at shit in the morning, sooooo see you guys sometime tomorrow! Have a fantastic night, get drunk, dance and sing like a popstar ;)

And Carol.. You suck for being away this weekend!

Much love,

Friday 20 April 2012

Best trait ever: Lazy

Ask me what I've been doing all day! YES ACTUALLY, I HAVE been in my bed for this entire day.. And it feels goooood! Especially when I have work tomorrow, and I just KNOW I won't be able to close early. Fingers crossed though!

Not much to report today really.. I've almost eaten my chocolate bunny. I'm like over halfway through! Someone told me that people, who eat a lot of chocolate, are usually slimmer than the ones who don't. That's gotta be me! NO, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S A LIE. It makes me feel better about being a chocoholic!

Planning on gaming a little bit with Karo in a min, if she can like hurry up and level already :P In the meantime, thank you for keeping me busy! Haha!

Still haven't tried turning on the old laptop. Maybe sunday? I'm the best at procrastinating!

Song of the day - Picture of the day

And you <3 Chin up, hun.

Much love,

(EDIT: I've changed it, so you don't have to be registered to comment)

Thursday 19 April 2012

Fawk you work!

Remember when I said I only work weekends? Yeah I lied.. I kinda work whenever my boss says "Hey Mai, can you come in today?" and I go "Suuuure, I was only planning on playing popmundo and laze around in bed ALL DAY"...

I hate myself for agreeing to tonights shift. Now I'm home. Tired. Slightly drunk - Those locals always try to get the lovely bartender (yes, that's me) buzzing.. Assholes.

I will... Sleeeeep now... Damn it.

Much love,


Wednesday 18 April 2012

An update - Skinny Love

Okay so.. Today I've pretty much done fuck all. Slept in late, walked the dog, went tanning. All good :P (I'm one of those lucky people, who usually only work on the weekends.....)

I have this old laptop, where I used to keep all my notes on my characters - and I have TONS of notes. You know what happens to those notes, when said laptop's graphics card (or whatever the hell it is that makes my screen freeze to death) decides to retire? That's right, they become unreachable and die!

I have been planning on tryyyyying to turn it on, see what happens, for a few days now, but I haven't managed to do it yet. Procrastinating for the win, eh?

Now for popo..... Harlows date is cracking me up tonight!
And Alex.. You can come home now, thankyouverymuch!

Song of the dayPicture of the (yester)day

Much love


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Test: Opening!

A little love for my girls.. Carolina, Maja, Lena, Karoline, Meija <3
Fix me up