Saturday 27 October 2012


So I guess I could put my puppet's songwriting skills to good use. I'll have 2 more with 9+ stars in a bit!

If anyone is starting a new band/tour/whatever and need songs, let me know!
(Quickest way to reach me is through v1)

  • Lucas and Ruby both write hits and fantastic songs, even if they don't have perfect skills.
  • All of the characters have 8+ stars in composing something (most 9 or 10)
  • Lucas is the only one currently touring, who might not always be able to write songs.
  • Ashlyn will start touring in Y66.
  • Sara and Emma will never tour.

We can negotiate and work out a price for x amount of songs and stuff - When I had someone write songs for a character of mine, I paid 17M for 6 songs - no hits. I'm thinking I'll be a bit cheaper than that! I'll put up a pricelist once I've figured it out.

Much love and happy saturday,

Friday 26 October 2012


Off to work in a few hours. Will as usual be slow and barely responsive.

I do apologize to everyone for slacking lately, but I am kinda busy atm aswell.

Have a great weekend!

Much love,

Thursday 25 October 2012

Not around much..

Having a busy schedule atm, so I'm not around so much! Today I'll spending most of the day at a friend's house, since she bugged me for weeks about fixing her hair (I do hot fusion extensions). Takes foreveeeer :(

I'll be around tonight hopefully. Have a great day, people!

Much love,

Tuesday 23 October 2012


Yay! My blog's had over 10000 views now :D So proud!

Thanks to everyone who reads it,
and I'm blessed you're able to stand my ranting and rambling from time to time <3

Much love,

Monday 22 October 2012

Sunday sucks..

I swear I will reply tomorrow.. It's just that.. I'm so.. Zzzzzzzzz..

*passes out*

Saturday 20 October 2012

Double LOL!

Aww Carol, have you heard? We're mean :( Or well.. I'm mean at least!

Yeah just as mean as someone who pretends to be your friend, yet decides to go behind your back and try to ruin your RP, because they were jealous and didn't get enough attention. Yep.. I'm the "mean" one. Stop playing the victim, when you were the one who started it.

Tell you what though, love.. I can be so much worse, but I really don't care anymore. I get enough fun out of watching everybody talk shit behind YOUR back - What comes around goes around, huh? ;)

Oh and FYI.. There was no bet, because that would be pointless. We all knew it was just another sad, desperate cry for attention..


Thursday 18 October 2012


Sorry to everyone. I know I owe tons of replies. Will get around to it asap, just a bit drained and tired from a screwed sleep schedule :(

Spending the day in front of the TV, eating toast and smoking way too much. Damn, I can't wait til the weekend is over, and I go home for a bit again! Enough of this crap internet aswell -.-

Much love,

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Must.. stop.. drinking.. coke..

I'm not tired. Clock is moving towards 3 AM, and there's just TOO MUCH good comedy on TV!

I will be so dead later..

Sunday 14 October 2012


So I guess the game isn't like cancer anyway, huh?

Hahahaha.. Fuck sake, I had my money on it, Carol :(

ADVERTISING... and stuff.

Oi lovelings!

*yawns* So I'm awake now. Work was awesome friday, boring as fuck saturday. I'm getting to replying and all that lovely jazz in the next few hours!

Hope you all had a great weekend :-*

AAAAND.. Another two RPers joined the madness that is character blogs, check them out here and here. I've only had the pleasure of playing with one of them, but my other half adores the other one aswell :P

Much love,

Saturday 13 October 2012

Thank you..

Dear credit fairy, whoever you are <3

Never drink when you have to work the day after. Oh when will I learn.... *sighs*

Much love,

Friday 12 October 2012

Weekend!! Oh wait.

So I'm off to work soon. Hope you all will have a fantastic weekend. 
I will be slow and all that jazz as usual :P If you need me, scream at Megan Case' PM, she'll be able to reach me! Byyeeeee :D

Much love,

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Fuck sake!

It's official..

I suck at having promiscuous characters! Lol.. My poor heart beats for all the neverending love stories. FUCK SAKE..

On another note: A little love for you, because we're both hoping for this to actually happen. Hahaha! Dropping like flies as you say.. :P

Much love,

Tuesday 9 October 2012


10...9...8...7...6...5..4..3... fucking bullshit.. 2...1...

Nope, doesn't work.

Sunday 7 October 2012


I forgot to add this here! 
I've had this popmundo MSN for quite a while now, might aswell let you lot have it aswell :P


Hey my lovelings!

So work's over for the weekend. It was a tough one - again, sorry for being away and not responding, but I've been sick aswell. Though I'm much better now, and I should be back in action tomorrow night! Hopefully :P Thanks again for being patient <3 Mwah!

In other news, my best friend and I finally found a beautiful flat today, that we're possibly going to be moving into around 1/11, so I might be a little absent in the upcoming weeks and around that date due to getting that processed and things that go along with moving :P Fingers crossed!

Tonight is a night of chilling and TV watching, so I should be around! Hope you all had a great weekend.

Much love,

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Arrrghhh influenza -.-

I think my best friend might have been a contagious bastard. She's been sick with the flu since sunday now, and I've had very little contact with her, but somehow she still managed to make me sick too! (Yes I blame her for it!)

I'm not feeling very well at the moment, so my time online is limited.

Sorry guys, I'm doing the best I can.

Much love,

Monday 1 October 2012

Catching up..

Alright lovelings, hope you all had a nice weekend and whatnot!

I'll get to replying and all that jazz tomorrow (hopefully) - as always, my body is drained, and I need much more sleep! Thank you all for being patient with me :-*

Have a great mushy monday ;)

Much love,